Calling a plumber to clear blocked pipes can be expensive, and inconvenient, and no-one wants to add to the world-wide "Fatburg" crisis that is clogging up our drainage systems.
Introducing a brilliant innovation for anyone wondering how best to dispose of used cooking fat,
Quickshine Deep-Fat Fixer™ is an almost magical powder that transforms liquid cooking oils into a solid, easy-to-deal-with ‘brick’ that can be popped straight into your household waste bin.
Despite its name, it’s not just for deep fat fryers and chip pans; anyone who cooks with tempura batter or does a bit of shallow frying from time to time will recognise the problem too.
Turns used oil to a solid - Three simple steps:
1. Stir into still-warm cooking oil.
2. Wait for the fat to cool fully.
3. Lift the resulting ‘brick’ of caked oil out of your pan or fryer, and tip it into a bin bag for disposal in your general waste bin.